Kindle Review Express - Medium
Kindle Review Express
This service leverages a large database of avid readers who are inclined to read and review books and post those reviews as verified purchasers on Amazon. Positive reviews may increase your sales and visibility on Amazon.
At the very least you will benefit from unbiased reviews of your book. Of course, all the reviews can’t be guaranteed to be positive.
The Review Express Amazon Kindle Promotion focuses just on getting reviews and has no specific promotion date. Instead, reviewers are repeatedly contacted over a period of about 3-4 weeks until we get a sufficient number of replies.
This requires that you offer the Kindle version of your book at a lower price of $2.99 during these 3 to 4 weeks.
The Review Express Amazon Kindle Promotion Medium - $525
With the Review Express Amazon Kindle Light, 12-15 reviews could be the result of participation.